This cute, tiny heifer is fearless when it comes to wandering the farm. She isn’t afraid to take off running to unfamiliar territory and explore alone, or stand with only a thin fence between her and a 2,000 pound Black Angus bull and kiss his nose. Charlsie thinks everyone is her friend and I think she is the epitome of Southern charm and hospitality. She doesn’t know her petite size so I’m very protective and keep close to her at all times but glad for her bubbly spirit and jovial personality.
I usually bring along the harness to get her out of the pen and teach her when the harness goes on, she gets out … but occasionally I’ll play with her and decide to let her out freely. She’s usually good at keeping close, but when she decides to get too far off, I hurry for the harness inside and quickly fasten it around her. Still she can walk where she chooses and I’ll even let go of the lead rope and let her run, but I feel better that I have 7 feet worth of rope to grab if needed.
Willow, my golden retriever, usually joins our walk and brings along her pink ball. She will drop it at my feet and wait for me to throw it. As soon as I give it a long throw, Willow is already halfway to it in excitement. Usually about this time, I know to drop the lead rope for Charlsie because she sees Willow run and takes off behind her. She holds her tail up high and kicks those back legs as fast as she can, ears pulled back, and lets out the happiest “moo” in pure delight.
Willow will return the ball to me for another round of fetch while Charlsie bounces around us running laps in the yard. I would say she seems to be adjusting well to her life in Mississippi. The cows seem infatuated with her petite size and ambition. Charlsie is whiskey in a teacup: she’s a strong shot in a tiny package. The dogs are all great with her, and I am so glad. Our English Shepherd usually hoards the dog food in the house … by that, I mean she lays near or beside the pan of food to protect what she believes is “her stash”. She’s hasn’t figured out that Charlsie isn’t interested in dog food yet, ha. The pigs squeal and talk in different tones to her and grab all of her attention! She seems a little overwhelmed when they’re all communicating to her at once. The horses and donkey on the other hand are quite confused. They like the pigs, the dogs, even the ducks. But this tiny moo-cow has them trotting in small paces along the fence and snorting, watching in fear and confusion for this bouncy, furry creature who has no sense of personal space.
She does appear to need some friends more her size, though … and with that being said … stay tuned for an upcoming announcement for the soon-to-be Mississippi Farm Girls.
I know we will have a lot of fun adventures the older the gets and I can’t wait to see her grow. I am certainly loving this little fluffy, shaggy babydoll of a cow and all the fun she brings each day! She just doesn’t know how adored she is!