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This Little Piggy ...

Easy Steps to Bond With Your Piggy

• They love treats! Blueberries, Strawberries, Banana, and sliced Apples are always my go-to treats for my pigs. Usually a small handful or 1/4 of an apple will be just the right amount! Suggestion – bring a few blueberries or strawberry halves for him/her every time you go to sit down with them, especially in the beginning. It will “break the ice” and let them see you as a friend and provider for them.

• Talk to them, a lot. Pigs love to communicate – they can make 20 different sounds to express how they’re feeling! It may sound silly but anytime Finley is walking in the room and makes a few oinks or grunts, I always respond — sometimes without thinking about it – “Hey girly!” “Are you having a good day?” and add in things about food, or dinner time is soon and does she want to help me make dinner (she follows me all over the kitchen, to the pantry, and stands at my feet as I cook), do you want to go play, etc. She is very communicative and responds to each question with all her little noises. You will start to learn their different sounds depending on what your pig is doing! I know when mine is happy to see me, upset about something, bored, hungry, or just enjoying herself and has no goal in mind whatsoever.

• Belly rubs and soft scratches. They love having their tummy rubbed! Picking them up is great if you have a blanket wrapped around their body – anything to make them feel secure in your arms! I love to wrap them in a blanket and rock them in the chair and just talk to them. They love the attention!

• Explain things to them. Pigs learn words very easily, especially routine things!

  • Feeding: Ask them questions like “Are you hungry?” “Are you ready to eat?” It’s time to eat! and use the word “food” several times as you pour the food and while they’re eating. Also, do the same for water and if they’re thirsty!
  • Bedtime:  Let’s go night-night! Time for bed! Come on (their name), let’s go to bed in your room!
  • OutsideOutside! … Let’s go outside! – and the same for Inside!
  • TreatsDo you want a treat? … Do you want an apple (and really sound out “ap-ple”… or whatever treat you’re giving them!
  • Follow YouCome on! Come with me! Let’s go! Here we go! – use different phrases to teach them as they’re following you to come here. Reward them with a treat when they are listening and obeying! They’re food motivated and will quickly catch on to follow your commands!

