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This probably seems a bit silly, to write an entire article simply on how to hold your piglet … but, if you’ve never owned a pig, it will hopefully be more helpful than you think.

The way you hold and carry your pig will determine how they will respond to you. Just in this year, I sold the sweetest little piglet. She loved to be snuggled and held and carried in my arms, hardly making a sound. That same little pig was recently in an uploaded video, the reason is beyond me, with her new owner displaying the way she squeals so loudly any time they hold her — it was deafening how loud and unhappy she was. Honestly it made me so sad to see!! They were just showing their friends on Facebook their new family pet and acted as if it was normal … I will tell you … It’s not normal. Yes, if a piglet has never been shown love and been handled properly, they will act crazily when held no matter the age. HOWEVER. This little piglet has been treated completely differently since leaving my care. While this pig was content when I held her, she is now afraid of it.

Piglets are much more intuitive than you think. They are very aware of how you’re treating them and if you’re comfortable with them. The way you talk, handle, and care for them is how they will respond to you. If you chase and scold and raise your voice and pick them up like you don’t like them or fear them, they will run or squeal or squirm to get away.

When picking them up, gently use one hand between their front legs like a harness and use your other hand to scoop up both back legs against their belly and pull them close to you. Place their booty into the elbow of your arm and rest their body across your forearm while using the other arm to wrap under their neck and on their back to pet on them. This allows them to feel fully embraced and protected. Occasionally using a soft blanket is a great way to wrap around them snuggly and help them feel secure.

I suggest to never them pick up with one hand or holding them out away from you. It will scare them to be hanging in the air and will not let them feel protected. Any time you lift them off the ground, quickly pull them against you to let them know they’re safe.

I am sure most of you were already aware of these simple ways to care and hold your pet pig … but after the recent video, I felt the urge to hopefully offer some advice! ❤️