Long story short regarding the males: If you don’t plan on breeding them, yes!

- Male pigs should definitely be neutered around 6-7 weeks old if you don’t plan on using them as a breeder. They release a musky odor, can be a little dominating, and have crazy hormones and “activities” on their mind if not. Once they’re neutered, as they grow up they are much more laid back, calm, snuggly, and simply easy going. They lose the musky odor and truly remain so sweet! I have done both – neutered and not. The males I did not have neutered and kept as pets were lovable but not snug-able as much. The males I did have neutered, I could love all over them and never felt nervous around their behavior. All of the vets I have worked with over the years prefer and will gladly perform the quick surgery if the piglets are still small – so make the appointment while they’re young! Male pigs make great pets just like females but are best pets when they’re neutered!!
- Females come into heat every 3 weeks. Yes! It’s crazy! They don’t have to be spayed – it doesn’t affect their behavior near as much as a male, however, each pig’s personalities vary. If you will be having a male pig on the same property, and you don’t plan on neutering the male, I highly recommend spaying the female to prevent any unplanned pregnancies! Especially since they come into heat immediately after having their piglets and are ready to breed again! I have personally never spayed any of my girls however there is nothing wrong with the decision to do so!