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This Little Piggy ...

What to Expect When You Arrive To Pick Up Your Piglet

Arriving To Pick Up Your Piglet

  1. Please wear a mask! With underlying health conditions in our family, please be courteous to wear your mask and practice social distancing as best as possible.
  2. It can be a little muddy due to variable weather conditions so please be prepared to get a little dirt on ya!
  3. They are wiggly and squiggly … Please bring a small crate or pet taxi that has a blanket for your pig to travel home in! They have not been in the car before so everything will be very new to them. This will also help you to carry them in for where they’re sleeping.

Meeting To Pick Up Your Piglet

If we are meeting with your piglet, please bring a pet carrier or small crate with a blanket for your piglet to travel home in. This will help with keeping them safe in the car (which is very new to them!) and allow easy transportation to their new living space when you arrive home.

You will want them to stay inside with you the first week or two, preferably in a small bathroom as they adjust and bond with you. It takes time for them to trust you. Please read my other posts when it comes to bringing your piglet home so that you are fully prepared!

